\sigma_1$ = $\dfrac{M_1.y}{I_x}$ + $\dfrac{F_z}{A}\tag{1}\\
\sigma_2 = \dfrac{M_2.y}{I_x} + \dfrac{F_z}{A}\tag{2}\\
M_1 = F_y.L_1\tag{3}\\
M_1 = F_y.(L_1 + L_2)\tag{4}\\
\sigma_3 = \dfrac{M_3.y}{I_y} + \dfrac{F_z}{A}\tag{5}\\
\sigma_4 = \dfrac{M_4.y}{I_y} + \dfrac{F_z}{A}\tag{6}\\
M_3 = F_y.L_1\tag{7}\\
M_4 = F_y.(L_1 + L_2)\tag{8}
  • 3
    Welcome to TeX SX! What is the question?
    – Bernard
    Commented May 6, 2019 at 18:31
  • 2
    You shouldn't use $ ... $ is a display math environment.
    – Bernard
    Commented May 6, 2019 at 18:36

1 Answer 1

  • The immediate source of the crash is the presence of the four $ symbols. Either get rid of them or replace them with \$ -- in case you need to display $ symbols, which doesn't seem likely at all.

  • In addition, you should get rid of the eight \tag statements -- they're redundant. And, you should either omit the . ("period", aka "full stop") symbols entirely or, at the very least, replace them with \cdot. (I favor the first option.)

  • You're in display math mode by default inside a gather environment. Thus, replace all \dfrac statements with \frac.

  • Optional: Change all 8 instances of = to &= and replace gather with `align.

  • Optional (but suggested by @egreg, and hence to be taken seriously): Make the vertical distances between the rows equal by inserting (typographic) struts in the lines with a \frac term. In the solution below, look for the definition and use of \mystrut.

enter image description here

\usepackage{amsmath} % for 'align' environment
%% Define a typographic strut:

\sigma_1 &= \frac{M_1y}{I_x} + \frac{F_z}{A}\\
\sigma_2 &= \frac{M_2y}{I_x} + \frac{F_z}{A}\\
M_1      &= F_yL_1          \mystrut\\
M_1      &= F_y(L_1 + L_2)  \mystrut\\
\sigma_3 &= \frac{M_3y}{I_y} + \frac{F_z}{A}\\
\sigma_4 &= \frac{M_4y}{I_y} + \frac{F_z}{A}\\
M_3      &= F_yL_1          \mystrut\\
M_4      &= F_y(L_1 + L_2)  \smash[b]{\mystrut}

  • 1
    I'd add \vphantom{\frac{F_z}{A}} to the lines with no fraction.
    – egreg
    Commented May 6, 2019 at 20:40
  • @egreg - Great idea! :-) I'll edit my answer to incorporate this recommendation.
    – Mico
    Commented May 6, 2019 at 20:43

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