I would like to use a smaller font size for thebibliography
After reading the answers to the question What font size is used in the 'thebibliography' environment? I learned that the font size can be changed with the directive:
\renewcommand{\bibliofont}{<desired font size>}
Unfortunately, this does not seem to work with my document.
The only significant differences with respect to the other question is that I am using the article
documentclass instead of amsart
and that I am using Overleaf to compose my document.
What am I missing?
Minimal Working Example:
\usepackage[a4paper, hmargin=2cm, bmargin=3cm, tmargin=4cm, centering]{geometry}
\newcommand{\bibliofont}{\tiny} % <-- THIS DOES NOT WORK!
This is an example, more information here~\cite{bib1} and here~\cite{bib2}.\\
is a command specific toamsart
and not available in most other document classes. The simplest solution for you is probably to say{\tiny
and add}