I am using latex for first time. I want to draw the picture below. How to proceed?
1What have you tried so far?– user156344Commented May 16, 2019 at 5:35
1In the future, please post an MWE to show what you have already tried ;-)– Thorbjørn E. K. ChristensenCommented May 16, 2019 at 6:41
1The first step is to start going through the TikZ manual. You don't need to read the whole thing, but some of the tutorials will get you started.– John KormyloCommented May 16, 2019 at 12:12
5 Answers
Something like this:
The main idea is to use tikz polar coordinates and a loop:
\begin{tikzpicture}[bullet/.style={circle, fill, inner sep=2pt}]
\foreach \lab [count=\c,
evaluate=\c as \ang using {18+72*\c}]
in {a,b^2, ab^2, ab, b} {
\node[bullet] (\c) at (\ang:10mm) {};
\node at (\ang:14mm){$\lab$};
\foreach \i in {1,...,\c} {
EDIT Oops, I noticed that I have an extra edge. If this really is not wanted then here is a fix to give:
\begin{tikzpicture}[bullet/.style={circle, fill, inner sep=2pt}]
\foreach \lab [count=\c, evaluate=\c as \ang using {18+72*\c}] in {a,b^2, ab^2, ab, b} {
\node[bullet] (\c) at (\ang:10mm) {};
\node at (\ang:14mm){$\lab$};
Without additional packages:
Based on https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/152591/189040
pair[] vertices;
int n = 5;
real r = 1.0;
// Add the vertices to the array:
for (real angle = 18; angle < 378; angle += 360/n) {
// The `push` command adds its argument to the end of the array.
vertices.push(r*dir(angle)); // r*dir(angle) gives the point with polar coordinates (r, angle).
// Draw the vertices:
for (pair vertex : vertices)
// Draw a couple lines in respective:
draw(vertices[0] -- vertices[1], black);
//draw(vertices[0] -- vertices[2], black);
draw(vertices[0] -- vertices[3], black);
draw(vertices[0] -- vertices[4], black);
draw(vertices[1] -- vertices[2], black);
draw(vertices[1] -- vertices[3], black);
draw(vertices[1] -- vertices[4], black);
draw(vertices[2] -- vertices[3], black);
draw(vertices[2] -- vertices[4], black);
draw(vertices[3] -- vertices[4], black);
label("b", vertices[0], align=E);
label("a", vertices[1], align=N);
label("$b^2$", vertices[2], align=W);
label("$ab^2$", vertices[3], align=SW);
label("ab", vertices[4], align=SE);
Based on https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/228371/189040
\multido{\i=0+1}{7}{\rput{90}{\degrees[5]\pnode(1;\i){v\i}}}% Mark nodes
\pcline(v\i)(v\number\numexpr\i+1)% C_5<1>
\pscircle[fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=black](v\i){2pt}% node
\pcline(v\i)(v\number\numexpr\i+2)% C_5<2>
@ArtificialOdorlessArmpit Good to know! Thanks!– user189040Commented May 16, 2019 at 15:44
Or using shapes.geometric
\node[regular polygon,regular polygon sides=5,draw,minimum width=8em] (5gon){};
\draw (5gon.corner 2) node[circle,fill,inner
foreach \X in {4,1,3,5} {-- (5gon.corner \X)
Maybe, this can help you.
\draw[ultra thin] (0,0)--(3.5,-2.2)--(2.7,-6)--(-2.7,-6)--(-3.5,-2.2)--(0,0)--
\draw[ultra thin] (0,0)--(-2.7,-6)--(3.5,-2.2);
\draw [fill](0,0)circle[radius=0.7mm]node[above]{$a$};
\draw [fill](3.5,-2.2)circle[radius=0.7mm]node[right]{$b$};
\draw [fill](2.7,-6)circle[radius=0.7mm]node[below]{$ab$};
\draw [fill](-2.7,-6)circle[radius=0.7mm]node[below]{$ab^2$};
\draw [fill](-3.5,-2.2)circle[radius=0.7mm]node[left]{$b^2$};
A PSTricks solution only for fun purposes. It was intentionally or deliberately made complicated to popularize the buried features in PSTricks such as:
\curvepnodes[plotpoints=6]{0}{5}{4 t 1 4 div add PtoCrel}{A}
\foreach \i/\j in {0/b,1/a,2/{b^2},3/{ab^2},4/{ab}}
{\uput{10pt}[!N-A\i.y N-A\i.x atan DegtoAny](A\i){$\j$}}
\foreach \i/\j in {3/0,3/1,4/1,4/2}