I have a standalone document that creates a figure using tikz package as below:
\draw (0,0) -- (1,1);
I want to put the figure on the very left of my book at a location dictated by [h!]. The book has its paragraphs indented to the left 2.25 inch with respect to the left margin by using adjustwidth command and changepage package. This 2.25 inch indentation is a great place to put the tikz figure. But I do not want to break my paragraph to create a gap because of the figure. Do you know how to do it? Also both figures and captions I like to align all the way to the left.
\geometry{paperheight=9.8125in,paperwidth=8in, left=.5in,
right=.5in,top=.75in,bottom=.4375in }
\fancypagestyle{plain}{\fancyhf{} \fancyhead[EL,OR]{\textbf
\chapter {Dogs}
I put some words before the figure\\
I put some words before the figure\\
\includestandalone[width=.2\textwidth]{mytikz}% without .tex extension
% or use \input{mytikz}
\caption{My TikZ picture}
Do not want to break the words because of the figure. I like to put my
figure at the indented margin.\\
Do not want to break the words because of the figure. I like to put my
figure at the indented margin.