The current guides online and in texdoc that I could find did not deal with the problem I have.
- How to generate font metrics for system installed TrueType and OpenType fonts?
- How to generate font maps? What is a difference between font maps for regular T1, TrueType and OpenType fonts?
- Where to place those things and what "databases" do I need to update to make latex and friends "see" those fonts?
- How to generate raster fonts for TrueType and OpenType fonts and how to install them?
The current documentation I could find didn't answer quickly and straight to the point about it. I don't want "programmers" guide to fonts. I want "user's and packaging" guide to fonts. Please point to existing resource or provided references to pages / section from texdoc.
Dead-end or not deadend, in the end of the day I need to generate PDF/A documents with embedded metadata. The PDF/A metadata is only possible with pdfTeX engine and pdf-x package. And I want embedded custom ttf fonts in those PDF/A documents.