I'm trying to automate drawing filled plots along (mostly straight) paths. A simple example of what I'm trying to achieve:



            every path/.style={thick, red ,fill, fill opacity=.5},
            every plot/.style={smooth}]

            \draw (0,1) -- plot[domain=0:5, shift={(0,1)}, rotate={atan(3/4)}] (\x,0.05*\x^2) -- (4,4) -- cycle;
            \draw[black] (0,1) -- (4,4);

            \draw (0,3) -- plot[domain=0:sqrt(17), shift={(0,3)}, rotate={atan(-1/4)}] (\x,{0.5*sin(3*\x r)}) -- (4,2) -- cycle;
            \draw[black] (0,3) -- (4,2);

Expected Result

But how can I automate the process (maybe even for curved paths?) How can I

  • Shift the plot to the last coordinate (I tried it with \pgfextractxy, but was not able to get it to work)
  • Rotate it (Works quite ok with the atan(), but what about vertical paths?)
  • Set the domain to the length of the path (Tried it with the let-option and the veclen command, but I got the "dimension too large"-error)
  • Have it implemented, so that I can repeat it many times (e.g. \draw (A) -- plot[on path] (\x, <function>) -- (B))

Any ideas are appreciated!


As it seems that my intentions were not very clear: At the moment I would be happy with a solution for straight paths only. (The option for curved paths would be nice to have, though) So my goal is to have a simple method plotting a function between two given points on the canvas without having to recalculate my rotation, shift and domain every time.

  • How. Can. I. Plot. On. A. Curved. Path. ?.
    – user156344
    Commented May 22, 2019 at 8:32
  • I‘m sorry, but I don‘t understand, what you want to tell me with your comment. @JouleV
    – Wulle
    Commented May 22, 2019 at 8:48
  • How can I plot a e.g. x ^2 curve on a curve?
    – user156344
    Commented May 22, 2019 at 8:49
  • 1
    Unfortunately I don‘t know the english equivalent but there is a Wikipedia article in German: de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krummlinige_Koordinaten . You can think of the y axis moving along the path in a way that it always stands orthogonal to the tangent (x axis)
    – Wulle
    Commented May 22, 2019 at 8:54
  • But ploting along curved paths is not necessary! I would also be happy with straight paths!
    – Wulle
    Commented May 22, 2019 at 8:55

1 Answer 1


This plots along straight lines.



            every path/.style={thick, red ,fill, fill opacity=.5},
            every plot/.style={smooth},
            plot along line/.style args={from #1 to #2}{insert
            let \p1=($#2-#1$),\n1={veclen(\x1,\y1)/1cm},\n2={atan2(\y1,\x1)}
            in   [shift={#1},rotate=\n2,domain=0:\n1]

            \draw {[plot along line=from {(0,1)} to {(4,4)}] 
            plot (\x,0.05*\x^2) }-- (4,4) -- cycle;
            \draw[black] (0,1) -- (4,4);

            \draw[plot along line=from {(0,3)} to {(4,2)}] plot (\x,{0.5*sin(3*\x r)})
            coordinate (end) --cycle;
            \draw[black] (0,3) -- (end);

enter image description here

You can also add styles that plot along curved coordinate systems, using \usepgfmodule{nonlineartransformations} \usepgflibrary{curvilinear}.


  \draw [help lines] (0,0) grid (3,2);
\draw (0,-30pt) grid [step=10pt] (80pt,30pt); 
\draw[blue,thick] plot[domain=0:2.8,samples=51] ({\x},{sin(180*\x)});
  \draw[red, very thick]
    (0mm,20mm) .. controls (11mm,20mm) and (20mm,11mm) .. (20mm,0mm);

enter image description here

This example is more or less taken from the pgfmanual except that I added a plot of a function. However, I do not know what precisely you expect to be done? How do you specify the coordinate system?

  • This is exactly what I was searching for. I think the second example is perfect, as I wanted to plot a function along a half circle. Thank you!
    – Wulle
    Commented May 23, 2019 at 5:07

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