

\item[]$\begin{tikzcd}[column sep=small,row sep=small]
\widehat{K_3} & \bullet \arrow[rr, no head, bend left] \arrow[rr, no head, bend right] \arrow[rr, no head] &  & \bullet

\item[]$\begin{tikzcd}[column sep=small,row sep=small]
              & \bullet \arrow[rrrrdd, no head] &  & \bullet \arrow[rrdd, no head] &  & \bullet \arrow[dd, no head] &  & \bullet \arrow[lldd, no head] &  & \bullet \arrow[lllldd, no head] \\
\widehat{S_5} &                                 &  &                               &  &                             &  &                               &  &                                 \\
              &                                 &  &                               &  & \bullet                     &  &                               &  &

\widehat{A_0} & \bullet \arrow[out=150,in=210,loop,no head]
\arrow[r, no head]&\bullet

\item[]$\begin{tikzcd}[column sep=small,row sep=small]
\widehat{A_1} & \bullet \arrow[rr, no head, bend left] \arrow[rr, no head, bend right] &  & \bullet \arrow[rr, no head] &  & \bullet

\item []$\begin{tikzcd}[column sep=small,row sep=small]
              & \bullet \arrow[dd, no head] \arrow[rrd, no head] &  &                             &  &         \\
\widehat{A_2} &                                                  &  & \bullet \arrow[rr, no head] &  & \bullet \\
              & \bullet \arrow[rru, no head]                     &  &                             &  &

\item []$\begin{tikzcd}[column sep=small,row sep=small]
              &                                                 & \bullet \arrow[rd, no head] &                             &  &         \\
\widehat{A_3} & \bullet \arrow[ru, no head] \arrow[rd, no head] &                             & \bullet \arrow[rr, no head] &  & \bullet \\
              &                                                 & \bullet \arrow[ru, no head] &                             &  &

\item []$\begin{tikzcd}[column sep=small,row sep=small]
              & \bullet \arrow[rr, no head] \arrow[dd, no head] &  & \bullet \arrow[rrd, no head] &  &                             &  &         \\
\widehat{A_4} &                                                 &  &                              &  & \bullet \arrow[rr, no head] &  & \bullet \\
              & \bullet \arrow[rr, no head]                     &  & \bullet \arrow[rru, no head] &  &                             &  &

\item[]$\begin{tikzcd}[column sep=small,row sep=small]
              &                                                 & \bullet \arrow[rr, no head] &  & \bullet \arrow[rd, no head] &                             &  &         \\
\widehat{A_5} & \bullet \arrow[ru, no head] \arrow[rd, no head] &                             &  &                             & \bullet \arrow[rr, no head] &  & \bullet \\
              &                                                 & \bullet \arrow[rr, no head] &  & \bullet \arrow[ru, no head] &                             &  &

\item[]$\begin{tikzcd}[column sep=small,row sep=small]
              & \bullet \arrow[rr, no head] \arrow[dd, no head] &  & \bullet \arrow[rr, no head] &  & \bullet \arrow[rrd, no head] &  &                             &  &         \\
\widehat{A_6} &                                                 &  &                             &  &                              &  & \bullet \arrow[rr, no head] &  & \bullet \\
              & \bullet \arrow[rr, no head]                     &  & \bullet \arrow[rr, no head] &  & \bullet \arrow[rru, no head] &  &                             &  &

\item[]$\begin{tikzcd}[column sep=small,row sep=small]
              & \bullet \arrow[rd, no head] &                                                 & \bullet \arrow[rr, no head] &  & \bullet \\
\widehat{D_4} &                             & \bullet \arrow[rd, no head] \arrow[ru, no head] &                             &  &         \\
              & \bullet \arrow[ru, no head] &                                                 & \bullet                     &  &

\item[]$\begin{tikzcd}[column sep=small,row sep=small]
              & \bullet \arrow[rrd, no head] &  &                             &  &                                                   &  & \bullet \arrow[rr, no head] &  & \bullet \\
\widehat{D_5} &                              &  & \bullet \arrow[rr, no head] &  & \bullet \arrow[rru, no head] \arrow[rrd, no head] &  &                             &  &         \\
              & \bullet \arrow[rru, no head] &  &                             &  &                                                   &  & \bullet                     &  &

\item[]$\begin{tikzcd}[column sep=small,row sep=small]
              & \bullet \arrow[rrd, no head] &  &                             &  &                             &  &                                                   &  & \bullet \arrow[rr, no head] &  & \bullet \\
\widehat{D_6} &                              &  & \bullet \arrow[rr, no head] &  & \bullet \arrow[rr, no head] &  & \bullet \arrow[rru, no head] \arrow[rrd, no head] &  &                             &  &         \\
              & \bullet \arrow[rru, no head] &  &                             &  &                             &  &                                                   &  & \bullet                     &  &

\item[]$\begin{tikzcd}[column sep=small,row sep=small]
              & \bullet \arrow[rrd, no head] &  &                             &  &                             &  &                             &  &                                                   &  & \bullet \arrow[rr, no head] &  & \bullet \\
\widehat{D_7} &                              &  & \bullet \arrow[rr, no head] &  & \bullet \arrow[rr, no head] &  & \bullet \arrow[rr, no head] &  & \bullet \arrow[rru, no head] \arrow[rrd, no head] &  &                             &  &         \\
              & \bullet \arrow[rru, no head] &  &                             &  &                             &  &                             &  &                                                   &  & \bullet                     &  &

\item[]$\begin{tikzcd}[column sep=small,row sep=small]
              & \bullet \arrow[rrd, no head] &  &                             &  &                             &  &                             &  &                             &  &                                                   &  & \bullet \arrow[rr, no head] &  & \bullet \\
\widehat{D_8} &                              &  & \bullet \arrow[rr, no head] &  & \bullet \arrow[rr, no head] &  & \bullet \arrow[rr, no head] &  & \bullet \arrow[rr, no head] &  & \bullet \arrow[rru, no head] \arrow[rrd, no head] &  &                             &  &         \\
              & \bullet \arrow[rru, no head] &  &                             &  &                             &  &                             &  &                             &  &                                                   &  & \bullet                     &  &

              &                            &                            & \bullet \arrow[d, no head] &                            &                            &         \\
              &                            &                            & \bullet \arrow[d, no head] &                            &                            &         \\
\widehat{E_6} & \bullet \arrow[r, no head] & \bullet \arrow[r, no head] & \bullet \arrow[r, no head] & \bullet \arrow[r, no head] & \bullet \arrow[r, no head] & \circ

              &                            &                            &                            & \bullet \arrow[d, no head] &                            &                            &                            &       \\
\widehat{E_7} & \bullet \arrow[r, no head] & \bullet \arrow[r, no head] & \bullet \arrow[r, no head] & \bullet \arrow[r, no head] & \bullet \arrow[r, no head] & \bullet \arrow[r, no head] & \bullet \arrow[r, no head] & \circ

              &                            &                            & \bullet \arrow[d, no head] &                            &                            &                            &                            &                            &       \\
\widehat{E_8} & \bullet \arrow[r, no head] & \bullet \arrow[r, no head] & \bullet \arrow[r, no head] & \bullet \arrow[r, no head] & \bullet \arrow[r, no head] & \bullet \arrow[r, no head] & \bullet \arrow[r, no head] & \bullet \arrow[r, no head] & \circ


I draw the following diagrams, but do you help me write the open circles around the right-most bullet by using tikz-cd? and Can I make the L_2 loop diagram using tikz-cd?

enter image description here

1 Answer 1


One method would be to add

    label={[inner sep=0,minimum size=10mm, circle, draw, densely dotted]center:{}}

to the preamble, and add |[OpenCirc]| to the start of the cells where you want the bullet circled. E.g.

... & |[OpenCirc]| \bullet \arrow[llldd, no head] 

By the way, if you want the lines to reach the bullets, then you could define

  circle, fill, draw, inner sep=0, minimum size=4pt

and use |[Bullet]| instead of \bullet in the cells. For a bullet with a circle, use |[Bullet, OpenCirc]|.

Regarding your other question, you could do

 \node [Bullet] (a) {};
 \draw (a)
     arc[start angle=0,end angle=360,radius=5mm]
     arc[start angle=0,end angle=360,radius=8mm];

with the Bullet style defined above.

Here is a complete example:

enter image description here

    label={[inner sep=0,minimum size=10mm, circle, draw, densely dotted]center:{}}
    circle, fill, draw, inner sep=0, minimum size=4pt
$\begin{tikzcd}[column sep=small,row sep=small]
              & |[Bullet]| \arrow[rrrrdd, no head] &  & |[Bullet]| \arrow[rrdd, no head] &  & |[Bullet]| \arrow[dd, no head] &  & |[Bullet]| \arrow[lldd, no head] &  & |[OpenCirc, Bullet]| \arrow[lllldd, no head] \\
\widehat{S_5} &                                    &  &                                  &  &                                &  &                                  &  &                                 \\
              &                                    &  &                                  &  & |[Bullet]|                     &  &                                  &  &

 \node [Bullet] (a) {};
 \draw (a)
     arc[start angle=0,end angle=360,radius=5mm]
     arc[start angle=0,end angle=360,radius=8mm];
  • so much thank you
    – tuce
    Commented May 27, 2019 at 21:45
  • 1
    @tuce You're welcome. I just fixed a couple of errors in my answer by the way. Commented May 27, 2019 at 21:51
  • When I applied |[Bullet]|, my diagrams were broken, so the lengths of the arrows differed, what could be the reason?
    – tuce
    Commented May 27, 2019 at 22:05
  • 1
    @tuce I realize that the dotted circle would do that, because the label node increases the size of the cell, and thus changes the layout. Don't think using ` |[Bullet]|` alone would cause anything like that, though I only tried the one diagram. You could try modifying the OpenCirc style to ` OpenCirc/.style={label={[inner sep=0,minimum size=10mm, circle, draw, overlay, densely dotted]center:{}} }` (added overlay), but it's too late in the evening for me to do any more, so if that's not enough it has to wait. Commented May 27, 2019 at 22:12
  • I would be glad if you could look
    – tuce
    Commented May 27, 2019 at 22:33

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