In math I often find that single underlined letters have too long of a line.
Here is an example: $\beta\in[\underline{\beta},\bar{\beta}]$
Or perhaps worse:
I can solve the too narrow bar loading some accents from the mathxm
font of package mathabx
, but I have not found a good way to decrease the width of e.g. \underline{U}
I would appreciate a hint.
Here is a summary of different functions. I have added the nunder-function, which is kind of fun. However, it desperately needs an additional optional argument to set the division factor \mkern\the\numexpr#1/2mu\relax
(hard-coded to two).
Two see why compare the following examples of KP-fonts (left) and CM|nunder div by 2 (middle) and CM|nunder div. by 10 (right). On the right image nunder
is perhaps as nice as bunderline
works very well KP-fonts, but performs poorly with CM with the hard-coded value of 2. I will have two look further into two optional arguments, but my first attempt was not a success (using the blah example of TeX Faq).
is a bit misguided; replace\bar
and you get something visually compatible with\underline
is supposed to denote some other variable, like a statistical mean, and this is not what\underline
is supposed to be used for. So your quite legitimate question could have been formulated rather as "is there an\underbar