Please, how do I download pure text source file from here? I'm running Windows 8 and do not have commant line with gunzip command. The connection with LaTeX and this site is that I want to open it in WinEdt 9, the latex editor.
EDIT I have now 2 files E53.tex and E53.bbl. HOWEVER this error occurs WHAT'S WRONG?:
Command Line: pdflatex.exe --interaction=errorstopmode --synctex=-1 "C:\Users\hynek0\Desktop\TH0dipl\E53.tex" Startup Folder: C:\Users\hynek0\Desktop\TH0dipl
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.15 (MiKTeX 2.9 64-bit) entering extended mode (C:/Users/hynek0/Desktop/TH0dipl/E53.tex LaTeX2e <2014/05/01> Babel <3.9l> and hyphenation patterns for 68 languages loaded. (D:\ProgramFiles\MikTexExe\tex\amstex\base\amstex.tex
AmS-TeX- Version 2.2
Loading definitions for misc utility macros, page layout, accents/punctuation, line and page breaks, figures, comments, math spacing, fractions, smash commands, large operator symbols, integrals, operator names, ! Undefined control sequence. l.474 \buffer@\fontdimen13 \tenex
, runpdftex