Here is my problem.
I am trying to get a bent arrow "go" under the CxExF node by breaking the long arrow into two parts. However, I would like the two parts to follow the same "path" as the long arrow. This means that I would need to move/shift the entry (and exit) point of the two parts so that it looks as the broken arrow is really passing under the node. To give a sense of what I mean, I include below what would be desirable, (generated using an image editor). Any suggestion? Any better way?
Below the code generating the issue.
X \ar[r] & A &\\
& C\times D\times F &\\
& &\\
& &\\
& &\\
& & B \ar[luuuuu, bend left, in=190, out=10]
X \ar[r] & A &\\
& C\times D\times F \ar[u, bend left, in=240, out=0] &\\
& &\\
& &\\
& &\\
& & B \ar[-,luuuu, bend left, in=190, out=10]