Lets say I have the following document:





\title{Some paper}

\author[1]{First Last}
\author[2]{Second Last}

\affil[1]{First Affil}
\affil[2]{Second Affil}



and I want to include the ORCID of one of the authors. I would like the symbol with an attached hyperlink appearing after one of the authors' names.

How would I go about this?

Note: This may seem like a duplicate of this question, in which the following approaches are suggested:

  1. Use Academicons:


    This works, but only using xelatex and not plain (pdf)latex.

  2. Using a suitable graphic (say orcid.pdf, converted from one of the svgs available:


    Note that there is a more sophisticated version which scales the icon to the height of the surrounding text using the scalerel package:


    This unfortunately gives me the error

      ! Use of \\author doesn't match its definition.

Thus, both of the approaches don't really seem to work for me. Is there any way to get this working?

  • The Academicons variant worked well for me, but I had to adjust the spacing around the ORCID Logo a little bit - maybe that is useful for someone else visiting this post: \newcommand{\orcid}[1]{ \href{orcid.org/#1}{\textcolor{orcidlogocol}{\kern -0.4em \aiOrcid \kern -0.4em}} }
    – Daniel N.
    Commented Apr 17, 2020 at 15:26

2 Answers 2


The easy way to set something to a good height relative to the current font is to use dimensions with units of ex, which is nominally the height of the lower case x in the font. So naively one would write


to include the image.

Unfortunately the authblk constructions need the above command to expand nicely; but it doesn't, even after adding \protection type mechanisms such as \newrobustcmd from etoolbox (try


and you will see a very strange effect).

A way round this is to store the graphic appropriately scaled in a box and then use that box in the affiliation.

The combination


sets up a box for this purpose and stores the graphic in it; the size \large is the font size that is used for printing affiliations. Then we can write a command


that puts this box in to our orcid construct via a \usebox command.

Sample output





\title{Some paper}

\author[1]{First Last}
\author[2]{Second Last}

\affil[1]{First Affil \orcidaffil{0000-0002-1825-0097}}
\affil[2]{Second Affil}



The orcidlink package (in version 1.0.4, 1.0.2 is not "robust" enough) is another option:

\author[1]{First Last\,\orcidlink{0000-0000-0000-0000}\,}
\author[2]{Second Last\,\orcidlink{0000-0000-0000-0000}\,}

rendered example

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