I switched from LaTex to LuaLaTex. This is my basic preamble:
For some reason, with LuaLaTex charakters like ß
are displayed as SS
and the german glyphs / quotation marks are displayed wrong. I still don't exactly know how to print these symbols. Sometimes I stumbled over "' or '' (cant even display these symbols correctly in this editor). With LaTex the notation ,, / ''
did work so far, but it does not with LuaLaTex.
Is there some recommenced general robust way to do this, that works with LaTex and LuaLaTex without fiddeling around and will not create other side-effects?
shouldn't be used in LuaTeX and XeTeX.babel
manual provides some explanations on how to use it withlualatex
(sec. 1.4).