I use the document class scrartcl for my work and until the creation of my attachment everything was wonderful. Unfortunately, I have not been able to put the word "Appendix" before the letters in the appendix (both in the appendix itself and in the table of contents)

The option \ appendixprefix is unfortunately not available in the document class scrartcl to my knowledge.

Does anyone have an idea how else to solve it? Here is my minimal example:

\documentclass[a4paper,11pt,captions=nooneline, headsepline, parskip, headinclude, footinclude=false, toc=left, listof=flat, listof=totoc, bibliography=totoc]{scrartcl} 



\subsection{Aim of the thesis} 



The result should look something like this:

1 Introduction
1.1 Aim of the thesis

2. Analysis
2.1 Dynamics

Appendix A Engines
A.1. performance
A.2. moment

Appendix B Transmission
B.1 moment

Many thanks for your help!

2 Answers 2


Here is suggestion that needs KOMA-Script version 3.18 or newer. Note that current version is 3.26!

  captions=nooneline, headsepline, parskip, headinclude, footinclude=false,
  toc=flat, listof=flat,
  listof=totoc, bibliography=totoc,
  numbers=noendperiod% <- added

\setuptoc{toc}{totoc}% adds an TOC entry for TOC

      {\originaladdsectiontocentry{}{\appendixname\ ##1\ ##2}}%


\subsection{Aim of the thesis} 


enter image description here


Hello the following example is taken from the KOMASkript * documentation page~447:

\documentclass[a4paper,11pt,captions=nooneline, headsepline, parskip, headinclude, footinclude=false, toc=left, listof=flat, listof=totoc, bibliography=totoc ]{scrartcl} 
##3\autodot\enskip} \renewcommand*{\sectionmarkformat}{% 



\subsection{Aim of the thesis} 



By the way, I think you mean torque

  • 1
    I get nothing like the OP wants. Besides, if I ask for \show\appendixname I get “undefined control sequence”.
    – egreg
    Commented Jul 9, 2019 at 11:24
  • it works for me just as I wanted it. But thank you for the impeccable. the "appendix" was only for understanding
    – David
    Commented Jul 9, 2019 at 11:31
  • Then you are using an really old KOMA-Script version (3.17 or older, current is 3.26) or you set an deprecated option resulting in a compatibility mode and the warning that version=first is used. Command \othersectionlevelsformat does nothing since version 3.18 and is really deprecated.
    – esdd
    Commented Jul 9, 2019 at 11:50

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