I'm trying to format the textBf phrase as headings:


Category 1: Incident tickets that can be closed with a less number of updating histories

Category 2: Incident ticket that can be closed with a average number of updating histories


Category N: Incident ticket that can be closed with a very high number of updatinghistories

So far I have got this. How to get the next line to begin in parallel to the sentence but not the heading


\item\textbf{Category 1:} Incident tickets that can be closed with a less number of updating histories
\item\textbf{Category 2:} Incident ticket that can be closed with a average number of updating histories
\item\textbf{Category \textit{N}:} Incident ticket that can be closed with a very high number of updating histories

2 Answers 2


You can use the following (it uses enumitem to simplify the first few items' input):



\begin{enumerate}[label=\textbf{Category \arabic*:}]
  \item Incident tickets that can be closed with a less number of updating
  \item Incident ticket that can be closed with a average number of updating
  \item[\textbf{Category $\bm{N}$:}] Incident ticket that can be closed with a very
    high number of updating histories

enter image description here


I propose this variant layout, obtained with enumitem and makebox:

\settowidth{\mymargin}{\textbf{Category \emph{N}:}}


\begin{enumerate}[label=Category \arabic*:, font=\bfseries, wide=0pt, labelwidth=\mymargin, leftmargin =!, labelsep=0.4em]% 
\item Incident tickets that can be closed with a less number of updating histories.

\item Incident ticket that can be closed with an average number of updating historie. \vspace{-1ex}

\item[\makebox*{\textbf{Category }}{$\vdots$}]\vspace*{-1ex}

\item[Category \emph{N}:]Incident ticket that can be closed with a very high number of updating histories. 


enter image description here

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