I want to draw the diagram I show below (with its MWE), but the loop doesn't look very "circular". Setting looseness=1.7 is the best I can get, but it still a bit oval-like. Is there a way to make it a proper circle? Maybe using some tikz functions would work, but I know nothing about tikz, much less how to mix it with feynman-tikz. Thanks in advance!
\feynmandiagram[layered layout, horizontal=b to c]{
a [particle=\(\mu\)] -- [photon, momentum=\(p\)] b
-- [fermion, half left, looseness=1.7, edge label=\(k\)] c
-- [fermion, half left, looseness=1.7, edge label=\(k-p\)] b, c -- [photon, momentum=\(p\)] d [particle=\(\nu\)],
\feynmandiagram [horizontal=a to b] { a -- [fermion, quarter left] b -- [quarter left] c -- [fermion, quarter left] d -- [quarter left] a, };
But now it's hard to attach lines on the sides...