In the italic font I am using, the apostrophe appears too far right in its bounding box, and therefore a space between an apostrophe and a glyph appears smaller than a space between two glyphs. I adapted code from Kerning against word space in LuaTeX in order to increase this space. However, the code applies to all fonts used in the document, but I want it to apply to only the italic font. Is there a way to do this?

Current output:

The same sentence typeset in roman and italic, with extra space after the apostrophes

Desired output:

The same sentence typeset in roman and italic, with only the italic version having extra space after the apostrophes

(the spaces have been exaggerated for purposes of demonstration)


  function kernspace(head)
    for space in node.traverse_id(node.id('glue'), head) do
      if space.subtype == 13 then
        local prev = node.prev(space)
        local next = node.next(space)
        if prev.id == 29 and next.id == 29 then
          if prev.char == 8217 then
            space.width = space.width + 1000000
    return true
  luatexbase.add_to_callback("pre_linebreak_filter", kernspace, "kernspace");
  ItalicFont = timesi.ttf
`It's time to rock 'n' roll,' he said. \par
\textit{`It's time to rock 'n' roll,' he said.}
  • 2
    It would be imho more sensible to implement that as font feature which you then load with the font. Or try to patch the font: tex.stackexchange.com/a/420568/2388 Commented Jul 29, 2019 at 13:37
  • 5
    @UlrikeFischer I guess that's the crux of my question: how do I implement my code as a font feature, or patch the font using my code?
    – solisoc
    Commented Jul 29, 2019 at 13:50

1 Answer 1


I tried out Ulrike Fischer’s suggestion for a kerning problem (» + W in a regular and a italic font). The approach will show how to add a font-feature, but may not solve the specific problem regarding the spacing. Furthermore, my knowledge of luatex and font-features is rather restricted.

  1. Add the font feature. In my case, this was simply a kerning issue. This will add ktest as font-feature and will move CHAR2 100 units closer to CHAR1 when they appear together.

      name = "ktest",
      type = "kern",
      data = {["CHAR1"] = {["CHAR2"] = -100}
  2. Then add another font-feature ktestit that does the same thing, but just 50 units less. We will use this for italic fonts only.

      name = "ktestit",
      type = "kern",
      data = {["CHAR1"] = {["CHAR2"] = -50}
  3. RawFeature will add ktest as global font-feature. The optional parameter ItalicFeatures in \setmainfont will then specify that ktest will be substituted by your italic-only font-feature ktestit. However, I have only tested this with an .otf-font. Maybe it is possible for you to switch.


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