I want to number my theorems and typeset them in the upright font. I know there are the options "numbered" and "normal font" for the theorem template, but I can't use both at the same time.

Is there some way I can use the "ams style" option and change the ams style for theorem to upright font? I haven't managed to get this working either.


\setbeamertemplate{theorems}[normal font]


\begin{theorem}[This should be numbered]

This should be upright.



1 Answer 1


There does not seem to be an existing style for this. But since the code difference between numnbered and normal font is not that big. This seems to work

\addtobeamertemplate{theorem begin}{\normalfont}{}


\begin{theorem}[This should be numbered]

This should be upright.


  • Thanks, works perfectly!
    – Jan
    Commented Jul 31, 2019 at 12:14
  • @Jan remember to click the check mark on an answer if it is what you ended up using
    – daleif
    Commented Jul 31, 2019 at 12:35

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