I need a circle symbol that is somehow compatible (from a layout point of view) with \square and \triangle. As you can see in the following example

$\circ AB$, $\bigcirc AB$, $\square ABCD$,  $\triangle ABC$, 

the square and the triangle are a perfect match, but none of the circle symbols match. Is there a way to get a circle aligned with bottom line of the text and with a comparable height as the other two symbols? In maths mode.


I've seen this question, but is not the right one for my situation: Is there a circle symbol?

2 Answers 2


You can scale \bigcirc down:




$\iscircle AB$, $\square ABCD$,  $\triangle ABC$,


enter image description here

  • I was entering my answer but one time Davide beat with a slingshot, Goliath :-)
    – Sebastiano
    Commented Jul 31, 2019 at 15:02

Some other possibilities: use ocircle from wasysym, raised slightly (the regular symbol is rendered below the baseline), or use TikZ and print a tight circle around a lower case letter (but don't print the letter).

The commands can be defined in a simple way that scales with the font but not with sub- and superscript, or as a more math-aware version using \mathchoice. The solution in the other answer is also included, note that the circle is a little flat in the subscript of the normal size example, but round in the \Huge version.

\newcommand{\tkzcircsimple}{\tikz{\node[circle,inner sep=0,outer sep=0,draw]{$\phantom{o}$}}}
{\tikz{\node[circle,inner sep=0,outer sep=0,draw]{$\displaystyle \phantom{o}$}}}%
{\tikz{\node[circle,inner sep=0,outer sep=0,draw]{$\textstyle \phantom{o}$}}}%
{\tikz{\node[circle,inner sep=0,outer sep=0,draw]{$\scriptstyle \phantom{o}$}}}%
{\tikz{\node[circle,inner sep=0,outer sep=0,draw]{$\scriptscriptstyle \phantom{o}$}}}%

$\square\iscircle BA_{\iscircle AB_{\iscircle AB}}$

$\square\wacircsimple BA_{\wacircsimple AB_{\wacircsimple AB}}$

$\square\wacircscale BA_{\wacircscale AB_{\wacircscale AB}}$

$\square\tkzcircsimple BA_{\tkzcircsimple AB_{\tkzcircsimple AB}}$

$\square\tkzcircscale BA_{\tkzcircscale AB_{\tkzcircscale AB}}$

$\square\iscircle BA_{\iscircle AB_{\iscircle AB}}$

$\square\wacircsimple BA_{\wacircsimple AB_{\wacircsimple AB}}$

$\square\wacircscale BA_{\wacircscale AB_{\wacircscale AB}}$

$\square\tkzcircsimple BA_{\tkzcircsimple AB_{\tkzcircsimple AB}}$

$\square\tkzcircscale BA_{\tkzcircscale AB_{\tkzcircscale AB}}$

enter image description here

In my opinion the TikZ version looks better in the normal font (considering line width) but in the \Huge version the wasysym symbol looks better.

  • Very nice solution (tikz). Upvoted. And your solution has the advantage that you could change the line thickness of the circle in such a way that it is equal to the one of the square; this being the only perceivable drawback of the solution of egreg. One could adapt the line width for every style, couldn't? Commented Jul 31, 2019 at 17:08

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