I just scraped the web a lot but I could not find an answer.
This is what my bibliography looks like right now. As you can see it displays 'In:' even when this information is not given.
So basically, how can I remove the 'In:'?
This is my LaTeX header: (I have no idea whats relevant of all that.)
\usepackage[backend=biber, natbib=true, style=authoryear-icomp]{biblatex}
\addbibresource{~/res/library.bib} %% point at your bib file
entry for an@inproceedings
entry type (which is a little broken, but could be fixed). The third entry should probably be@online
, not@article
. The second entry is in Chinese, so I'm not sure what kind of entry it should be and what fields it ought to have, but I'm sure that if you use the right entry type and include the right fields it will format fine.zathura