Preface: NOT a duplicate of My footer disappears when I increase headheight - I tried the accepted answer here and still ran into issues.
I am using Overleaf to create some documentation for software, and using fancyhdr to customize the header and footers. My header contains images which makes the header somewhat large, so I get an error from LaTeX to increase headheight to a larger value. When I do increase this to the recommended 67pt, it removes the error, but pushes the footer off the page. At first glance, the question at the link I referenced above is a 1-for-1 mirror image of what I need, but I tried includeheadfoot, setting all to 1in margins through geometry, and the footer still runs off the page. I've looked at the fancyhdr documentation exhaustively and cannot find a solution. Below is a MWE, which pushes the footer off the page:
\usepackage[includeheadfoot, margin=1in]{geometry}
\lhead{\includegraphics[width=6cm]{image.PNG} \hfill \includegraphics[width=3cm]{image2.jpg} \hfill \includegraphics[width=4cm]{image3.png}}
\fancyfoot[R]{\small ~Page \thepage~of \pageref{LastPage}}
\lfoot{\small Collections Guide \\ Last Updated: 07/28/2017}
First line of the document.
Second line of the document.
How do I get rid of the \headheight warning while also keeping a footer which is at a 1 inch margin from the bottom?
Note: I've only been using LaTeX for about 2 years and for really simple reports, so this is one of the more sophisticated projects I've done so far. I appreciate insight on how I can avoid this issue again in the future, and please let me know how I can edit this question to be more concise.