When using \part with tocloft (without fontspec) in pdflatex as suggested in the answer in this post Separate book into parts and chapters, I encounter a problem in the section numbering in the tableofcontents like this.
First Part
1 Chapter1
1 Sections1.1
1.1 Subsection1.1.1
2 Chapter2
1 Section2.1
1 Section2.2
1.1 Subsection2.2.1
Second part
3 Chapter3
2 Section3.1
2.1 Subsection3.1.1
The sectioning in the text however is fine.
Can someone help me out? Thanks.
The preamble is the following
\fancyhead[RE,LO]{\textcopyright~ Prints 2019}
\newcommand{\floorceil}[1]{\lceil #1 \rfloor}
\renewcommand{\cftpartfont}{\bfseries\Large\hrule}%add line above part
\renewcommand{\cftpartafterpnum}{\\\hrule}%add line below part
\cftpagenumbersoff{part}%get rid of part page numbers
\renewcommand{\cftsecindent}{8mm}%control spacing between number and sec title
\renewcommand{\cftsecnumwidth}{4mm}%section indent
\renewcommand{\cftparskip}{4mm}%control line spacing
\part{First part}
\part{Second part}
A snapshot of the toc is here.]2
and end with\end{document}