By using all the answer here, you might be noticed that space after period feels too wide, where you might be not noticed when there is hyphenation.
This is due to latex use more than single space after period. See the discussion in SE answer here.
Thus, you can add \frenchspacing
to remove this behavior if you use \pretolerance=10000
, and disable the french spacing using \nonfrenchspacing
if you use hyphenation.
Also, if your text contain hyphenation that you write manually, you can use \tolerance=9000
and \emergencystretch=0pt
to allow change line between word using that hypen. Otherwise, you can set \tolerance=1
and \emergencystretch=\maxdimen
to prohibit change line between words of your manual hypen.
The MWE (based on this, and this) will be:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam eleifend tellus
id ultrices feugiat. Sed a risus vitae nisi placerat posuere. Donec ullamcorper
rhoncus purus, a ornare nunc. In tempus elementum tellus a dictum. Orci varius
natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
Phasellus pharetra mollis efficitur. Duis urna nunc, molestie vitae ante in,
pharetra hendrerit arcu. Fusce varius lectus vitae leo facilisis, sed ultricies
velit interdum. Nunc volutpat, neque iaculis tempor scelerisque, enim nunc
posuere sapien, vitae tempor quam justo a odio. Suspendisse porta vel ante et
sagittis. Sed sit amet malesuada ligula, id commodo diam. Donec posuere eros et
orci dignissim tincidunt. Donec imperdiet, metus at lobortis rutrum, nisi felis
pretium magna, quis lacinia magna erat eget quam. Duis eget dolor consequat,
porttitor nunc vel, rutrum tellus. Donec semper finibus justo vel elementum.
to avoid large spaces between the word.\hyphenpenalty=5000
. (Not compatible with XeTeX, unfortunately.) This stretches the font slightly to reduce the amount of extra spacing.