I am trying to find a general method to find the points A and B automatically of this picture. I can not get it. I must calculate by hand. enter image description here

    coordinate (O) at (0,0,0)
    coordinate (T) at  (0,0,3)
    coordinate (B) at  (3,{-sqrt(7)},0)
    coordinate (A) at  (0,4,0);
    \draw[thick, dashed] (O) -- (A) node[midway,sloped,below] {$r$};
    \draw[thick, dashed] (T) -- (A) node[midway,right] {$R$};
    \draw[thick, dashed] (T) -- (O) node[midway,left] {$d$};
    \foreach \v/\position in {T/above,O/below,A/below,B/below} {
        \draw[draw =black, fill=black] (\v) circle (1.2pt) node [\position=0.2mm] {$\v$};
    \begin{scope}[tdplot_screen_coords, on background layer]
    \fill[ball color=cyan!50, opacity=1.0] (T) circle (\R);
    \tkzMarkRightAngle[size = 0.3](T,O,A);
    \draw [thick] (B) arc (318.5:450:4);
    \draw [thick, dashed] (A) arc (90:318.5:4);

Is there a way to find the point A and B automatically?

  • The range for the visible angle has been worked out in tex.stackexchange.com/questions/46850/… and similar posts. This allows you to determine the range for the solid arc, and thus the coordinates A and B. Alternatively you can load pgfplots and its library fillbetween and just draw the "correct" intersection segment solid.
    – user121799
    Commented Aug 11, 2019 at 9:48
  • Thank you very much. I shall try. Commented Aug 11, 2019 at 11:42

1 Answer 1


AFAIK the first post working out the critical values that distinguish the stretches on the foreside from those on the backside was this. (To all who are interested: this is what I mean with "giving credit". Even though the following will use different formulae and macros, it was nice for me to see a post in which the derivation is explained and which I can use to compare my results. I personally feel one should always add these "references" because then Alain Matthes answer has many links and users have simple way of looking for related posts. Personally I just feel that Alain deserves credit for that.) These things were done in different coordinates than those tikz-3dplot, but the analogous expressions in the tikz-3dplot conventions were put down in this answer. With those, you can switch to an xy plane and all you need to say is

 \draw[thick] ({alpha1(\tdplotmaintheta,\tdplotmainphi,{atan(4/5)})}:4)
      coordinate (A)
      {alpha2(\tdplotmaintheta,\tdplotmainphi,{atan(4/5)})}:4) coordinate(B);

Here, alpha1 and alpha2 are the critical phi values that determine where the path makes transitions from the fore- to the backside and thus fix the locations of A and B analytically.

\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1,tdplot_main_coords,declare function={R=5;
 coordinate (O) at (0,0,0)
 coordinate (T) at  (0,0,3);
 \begin{scope}[tdplot_screen_coords, on background layer]
 \fill[ball color=cyan!50, opacity=1.0] (T) circle (R);
 \begin{scope}[canvas is xy plane at z={3-sqrt(5^2-4^2)}]
  \draw[thick,dashed] circle[radius=4cm];
  \draw[thick] ({alpha1(\tdplotmaintheta,\tdplotmainphi,{atan(4/5)})}:4)
  coordinate (A)
  {alpha2(\tdplotmaintheta,\tdplotmainphi,{atan(4/5)})}:4) coordinate(B);
 \begin{scope}[on background layer]
  \draw[thick, dashed] (O) -- (A) node[midway,sloped,below] {$r$};
 \draw[thick, dashed] (T) -- (A) node[midway,right] {$R$};
 \draw[thick, dashed] (T) -- (O) node[midway,left] {$d$};
 \foreach \v/\position in {T/above,O/below,A/below,B/below} {
     \draw[draw =black, fill=black] (\v) circle (1.2pt) node [\position=0.2mm] {$\v$};

enter image description here

If you compare this very carefully to your output, then you see that there is a tiny discrepancy in the location of A. This could be a numerical issue, or one of use made a mistake.

  • 1
    Yes. Your answer is correct the point A. In my code, I put the point A by my hand. Commented Aug 12, 2019 at 2:16
  • Please for me ask some options in your code: 1) How about the numbers \a and \b; 2) what is {atan(4/5)}. I can change into {atan(\r/\R)}? Commented Aug 12, 2019 at 2:47
  • 1
    @minhthien_2016 Instead of \R this code uses R, which is set in declare function. I do not know what \a and \b are in this code. You could just set \pgfmathsetmacro{\r}{sqrt(R^2-3^2)} and then replace 4/5 by \r/R or something like this. The value 3 is the z coordinate of T, the center of the ball, and \begin{scope}[canvas is xy plane at z={3-sqrt(5^2-4^2)}] is just to say that I draw in the plane at z=0 but 0.
    – user121799
    Commented Aug 12, 2019 at 2:59
  • Thank you very much. Commented Aug 12, 2019 at 3:03
  • If the center of circle not at O(0,0), e.g at C(1,2) How can I use your code? Commented Aug 12, 2019 at 3:49

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