I'm having trouble implementing my citations in my Latex document on overleaf. I'm using the following preamble-options:
\usepackage[colorlinks=true,linkcolor=black, citecolor=black,filecolor=black, urlcolor=black]{hyperref}
% for back reference in bibliography
% maps apacite commands to biblatex commands
\let \citeNP \cite
\let \citeA \textcite
\let \cite \parencite
% Apa Bib - enable reprint according to apa
I uploaded a ref.bib file containing all my bibliography-information. I can also access the various objects of my ref.bib file by using the \cite{Green.2016} call. However, in the pdf it does print the reference key "Green.2016" instead of the authors name and year. I would really appreciate any hints on how to solve the problem.
seems to be missing in your code\begin{document}...\end{document}
etc.(tex.meta.stackexchange.com/q/228/35864) and post the complete.log
files (you can upload the.log
to a text-sharing website such as pastebin.com, since it will likely be too long for the question)..log
file (the post shows it for the.bbl
file, but the method is the same).