I'm trying to use the beamer system colours for tikz pictures, and I try to follow the approach from this post:
How to get actual values of colour theme colours in beamer?
So what I came up with is this:
\usebeamercolor{block body alerted}\definecolor{lred}{named}{bg}
\usebeamercolor{alerted text}\definecolor{dred}{named}{fg}
\usebeamercolor{block body}\definecolor{lblue}{named}{bg}
\usebeamercolor{block title example}\definecolor{dgreen}{named}{bg}
\usebeamercolor{block body example}\definecolor{lgreen}{named}{bg}
\begin{frame}{colourful text}
\textcolor{lred}{light red}
\textcolor{dred}{dark red}
\textcolor{lblue}{light blue}
\textcolor{dblue}{dark blue}
\textcolor{lgreen}{light green}
\textcolor{dgreen}{dark green}
Strange enough, it works for some colors, but not for "light green" and "light blue".
What am I doing wrong?
Edit: using the colour names directly, as in
\draw[fill=block body alerted.bg] (0,-.25) ellipse (6cm and 3cm);
only works after there has been an alert block in the document, and it is a lot of typing work if you use the colors often.