I am currently using biblatex
with polyglossia
(Biber + XeLaTeX).
I have a citation with 2 languages that does not display properly. The entry Cbible2015
has English and Arabic words in the title. Arabic content is reversed. I am using lots of languages, so I have to define various language environments along the way as shown. where the default language for the document is Arabic. I also commented out the reference Website:Elpenor
since it causes an error which I do not know its reason.
So I have 4 issues:
For same citation with multiple languages, I can't get it to work: As shown all words appear correctly, yet Arabic words appear in a reversed order, yet in the second time the English words are reversed while the Arabic ones are the correct ones.
The year is written in Arabic, how can I make it appear in English?
The reference
does not workFinally, citation style specific settings, such as the word "Page", how to replace it with its equivalent in Arabic
Here is the Code
\usepackage [hidelinks,colorlinks=true,linkcolor = blue,anchorcolor = blue,citecolor = blue,filecolor = blue,urlcolor = blue]{hyperref}
\newfontfamily\arabicfont[Script=Arabic,Mapping=arabicdigits]{Simplified Arabic}
\newfontfamily\greekfont{Palatino Linotype}
\newfontfamily\hebrewfont{Ezra SIL}
\newfontfamily\syriacfont{Serto Jerusalem}
\addbibresource{D:/SC/PROJ/Subfile Package Solution - Biblatex/Queries/With_all_set_up.bib}
\title{ }
καὶ οἰκοδομηθήσονταί σου αἱ ἔρημοι αἰώνιοι, καὶ ἔσται σου τὰ θεμέλια αἰώνια γενεῶν γενεαῖς· καὶ κληθήσῃ Οἰκοδόμος φραγμῶν, καὶ τοὺς τρίβους τοὺς ἀναμέσον παύσεις.\\
\textbf{(Ησα νη’ @ ς’ - ιβ’)}
Ⲑⲁⲓ ⲁⲛ ⲧⲉ ϯⲛⲏⲥⲧⲓⲁ̀ ⲉ̀ⲧⲁⲓⲥⲟⲧⲡⲥ ⲁ̀ⲛⲟⲕ ⲡⲉϫⲉ Ⲡ̅⳪ ⲁⲗⲗⲁ ⲃⲱⲗ ⲉ̀ⲃⲟⲗ ⲛ̀ⲥ̀ⲛⲁⲩϩ ⲛⲓⲃⲉⲛ ⲛ̀ⲧⲉ ϯⲙⲉⲧⲟ̀ϫⲓ ⲙⲁϯⲟⲩⲱ̀ ⲛ̀ⲛⲓⲕⲟⲧⲥ ⲛ̀ⲧⲉ ⲛⲓⲥ̀ϧⲁⲓ ⲛ̀ϫⲟⲛⲥ ⲟⲩⲱⲣⲡ ⲛ̀ⲛⲏⲉⲧϧⲉϧⲱⲙ ϧⲉⲛ ⲟⲩⲭⲱ ⲉ̀ⲃⲟⲗ ⲟⲩⲟϩ ⲥ̀ϧⲁⲓ ⲛⲓⲃⲉⲛ ⲙ̀ⲙⲉⲧⲟ̀ϫⲓ ⲥⲟⲗⲡⲟⲩ.\\
\textbf{(Ⲏ̀ⲥⲁ ⲛ̅ⲏ̅: ⲋ - ⲓ̅ⲃ̅ )}
\cite [12]{CBible2015}\\
ϯⲙⲉⲧⲟ̀ϫⲓ ⲙⲁϯⲟⲩⲱ̀ ⲛ̀ⲛⲓⲕⲟⲧⲥ ⲛ̀ⲧⲉ ⲛⲓⲥ̀ϧⲁⲓ ⲛ̀ϫⲟⲛ
Here is the *.bib file contents
year = {2015},
title = {{Coptic Bible} الكتاب المقدس القبطي}
title = {ELPENOR - Home of the Greek Word - Ellopos},
Month = {May},
year = {2015},
url = {https://www.ellopos.net/elpenor/Default.asp}