NB I have updated the code for example 2
I use shorter dummy texts so the examples are more readable. Look at the two enclosed examples and tell us (me) how they deviate from what you try to achieve. In particular, example 2 demands manual work:
Example 1
\usepackage{longtable, booktabs, array}
%---------------- show page layout. don't use in a real document!
\newcommand{\mytexti}{This is a dummy text, however I have an issue using multirow and longtable. The content in the multirow cell is very large, and it goes well beyond the limit of the "non-multirowed" rows. LaTeX ignores that and starts the following row just behind those rows, therefore overwriting the content.}
\newcommand{\mytextii}{This is a shorter dummy text, LaTeX ignores me!}
1 & 1.1 & \mytexti & some text \\ \cmidrule{4-4}
& 1.2 & & \mytextii \\ \cmidrule{3-3}
& 1.3 & some other text & \\ \bottomrule \addlinespace[1ex]
2 & 2.1 & some more text & \mytexti \\ \bottomrule
Example 2
\usepackage{longtable, booktabs, array, multirow, bigstrut}
%---------------- show page layout. don't use in a real document!
\newcommand{\mytexti}{This is a dummy text, however I have an issue using multirow and longtable. The content in the multirow cell is very large, and it goes well beyond the limit of the "non-multirowed" rows. LaTeX ignores that and starts the following row just behind those rows, therefore overwriting the content.}
\newcommand{\mytextii}{This is a shorter dummy text, LaTeX ignores me!}
1 & & \mytexti & some text\strut \hrule \\
& \multirow[t]{-14}{=}{1.1\\ 1.2} & some other text & \multirow[t]{-12.9}{=}{\mytextii} \\ \cmidrule{3-3}
& 1.3 & some other text & \\
\bottomrule \addlinespace[1ex]
2 & 2.1 & some more text & \mytexti \\ \bottomrule
actually does. Let me ask another way: that exactly are you trying to achinve here?\multirow
. You don't really have to use it, unless… Could you pst a small sketch of what you want to obtain?