{\tikz[remember picture,overlay]
{\node[fill=\chaptercolor,%<--- Not hardcoded color
font=\sffamily\fontsize{96}{72}\bf\selectfont\color{white},anchor=north east,
minimum width=3cm,
minimum height=3.4cm]
at ([xshift=-1cm,yshift=-1cm]current page.north east)
(numb) {\thechapter};
inner sep=4pt,
at (numb.west) {\chaptertitlename};%<-- Not hardcoded "CHAPTER"
{\raggedright\Huge\bfseries\itshape\color{\chaptercolor}#1}%< Not hardcoded color
The output I tried to do is as follows. But I can't. How will my code change?
EDIT: @Sveinung's output on my computer
instead of\chapter*{Index}
works for me.\chapter
, you will of cause not get the blue box with the number. If you really want a blue, empty box beside the word Index, you have to redefine also the starred version of thechapter
- command.