For a company document I need a custom titlepage. Only using \maketitle is to simple because there are images and a lot of different text formats. So I created a page using titlepage environment.

But how to add a header and a footer to titlepage that is different then the regular footer? I could "fake" a header but the content on titlepage will always have different sizes so "faking" a footer seems impossible.

%! TEX program = lualatex
% minimal.tex
\documentclass[a4paper, 10pt]{article}

% Packages

% Header and Footer
%% Header
\fancyhead[R]{Company Logo}

%% Footer
\footnotesize{Company Footer for all pages except Title page}
\fancyfoot[R]{\footnotesize{Seite \thepage{} von \pageref{LastPage}}}

% Beginn des Dokuments:

  \small{There will be individual content on titlepage.}

Do Something

% Ende des Dokuments:
  • Just add this \thispagestyle{fancy} inside the \begin{titlepage} environment. You need another pagestyle for page 2, which you set in the document preamble
    – Sveinung
    Commented Aug 28, 2019 at 15:18

2 Answers 2


Well, in your code are some issues:

  1. Commands like \Huge or \small are switches, so the correct use in your case would be something like that:

      {\Huge Title}\\ % <===================================================
  2. To get a (new defined) special footer and header for your titlepage you need to add the command \thispagestyle{titlepage} inside your environment titlepage and

  3. you need to define a special header-footer for your titlepage like:

    \fancypagestyle{titlepage}{% <==========================================
      \fancyhf{}% <========================================= Clear header/footer
      \fancyhead[R]{Company Logo}
  4. Please see that I moved \setlength\headheight{60pt} outside the defined header-footer-styles (so we need it only for one time) ...

Please see the corrected MWE

%! TEX program = lualatex
% minimal.tex
\documentclass[a4paper, 10pt]{article}

% Packages

\setlength\headheight{60pt} % <=========================================
\fancypagestyle{titlepage}{% <==========================================
  \fancyhf{}% <========================================= Clear header/footer
  \fancyhead[R]{Company Logo}

% Header and Footer
%% Header
\fancyhead[R]{Company Logo}

%% Footer
\footnotesize{Company Footer for all pages except Title page}
\fancyfoot[R]{\footnotesize{Seite \thepage{} von \pageref{LastPage}}}


  \thispagestyle{titlepage} % <=========================================
  {\Huge Title}\\ % <===================================================
  {\small There will be individual content on titlepage.} % <===========


Do Something

Do Something

% Ende des Dokuments:

and its result:

resulting pdf


The definition of \titlepage is:

\thispagestyle{empty}\setcounter {page}\@ne

which is basically done to remove the headers and footers ! Hence do not use \titlepage ! If you still cant some grouping, use another environment like minipage or \begingroup and \endgroup, or even braces {}.

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