For a company document I need a custom titlepage. Only using \maketitle
is to simple because there are images and a lot of different text formats. So I created a page using titlepage
But how to add a header and a footer to titlepage that is different then the regular footer? I could "fake" a header but the content on titlepage will always have different sizes so "faking" a footer seems impossible.
%! TEX program = lualatex
% minimal.tex
\documentclass[a4paper, 10pt]{article}
% Packages
% Header and Footer
%% Header
\fancyhead[R]{Company Logo}
%% Footer
\footnotesize{Company Footer for all pages except Title page}
\fancyfoot[R]{\footnotesize{Seite \thepage{} von \pageref{LastPage}}}
% Beginn des Dokuments:
\small{There will be individual content on titlepage.}
Do Something
% Ende des Dokuments:
inside the\begin{titlepage}
environment. You need another pagestyle for page 2, which you set in the document preamble