I need to make a diagram in which the node labels are outside of the nodes themselves, and thus the edges in the graph should go from one node label to another. A simple snippet of what I currently have is
\node[circle, draw=black, label=below:F] (F) at (0, 1) {};
\node[circle, draw=black, label=below:T] (T) at (-1, 0) {};
\node[circle, draw=black, fill=red, label=below:R] (R) at (1, 0) {};
\node[circle, draw=black, fill=red, label=above:Tt, below=of T] (Tt) {};
\draw[-] (F) -- (T);
\draw[-] (R) -- (T);
\draw[-] (R) -- (F);
\draw[-] (T) -- (Tt);
which results in the following
Would there be any way to draw the edges so that the edge begins at T and ends at Tt?
\documentclass[tikz,border=3mm]{standalone} \usetikzlibrary{positioning} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \node[circle, draw=black, label=below:F] (F) at (0, 1) {}; \node[circle, draw=black, label={[name=LT,inner sep=1pt]below:T}] (T) at (-1, 0) {}; \node[circle, draw=black, fill=red, label=below:R] (R) at (1, 0) {}; \node[circle, draw=black, fill=red, label={[name=LTt,inner sep=1pt]above:Tt}, below=of T] (Tt) {}; \draw[-] (F) -- (T); \draw[-] (R) -- (T); \draw[-] (R) -- (F); \draw[-] (LT) -- (LTt); \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
and ending with\end{document}