I am defining symbols in my document with glossaries-extra package such as:
However I will be referring to this in my document very often -mostly inside equations-. Normally if I wouldnt have to have a list of symbols I would define
and simply write \lag everywhere inside the equation. Now I either need to use \gls{lag} everytime, or for each glossary-symbol entry I should use the \newcommand as above. My question is isnt there a way to tell latex to print \gls{label} whenever I type \label ?
....editing after @schtandard's comments.....
So a MWE is this
\glsxtrnewsymbol[description={Field on Minima spce}]{minfield}{\ensuremath{\varphi}}
\glsxtrnewsymbol[description={General Field}]{field}{\ensuremath{\phi}}
I have a configuration space with fields $\field$ that has a minima. Fields on the minima space are called $\minfield$.
\delta V (\field=\minfield)=0
What I want is not to have to define \newcommand
s at all, but still be able get the result I get with the exact same code in between \begin{document}
and end{document}
. Probably what I want is something like,
I dont know if something like that already exists or possible, I am new to this level of latex.
...edit 2... I have been using the solution suggested by @egreg happily and i think it helped me quite a lot. I have tried to use the same thing for acronyms, however I come across a small problem. Let me explain. Consider the following code:
\expandafter\newcommand\csname #1\endcsname{\acs{#1}}}%
\expandafter\newcommand\csname #1\endcsname{\acs{#1}~}}%
\acryn{gr}{GR}{General Relativity}
\acryntwo{grtwo}{GR}{General Relativity}
If I use the glossary package command I can say \acs{gr} and it prints nicely. But if I use the command I define when I say \gr unfortunately no gap appears.\\
I could add tilde to the command and this problem would be solved \grtwo as one can see, but now the gap appears where I do not want it to appear: (\grtwo). Note that this does not happen with the built-in command: (\acs{gr}).
which produces this:
? Please add an MWE that shows the current behavior and that we can use to provide a solution for you.