I am having a problem with the Table of Contents, List of Tables, and List of Figures. What I want is that ToC, LoT and LoF should not have roman page numbers on the first page. All three of them will be several pages long, and page numbers should appear from the second pages, onwards.
\newcites{lop}{List of Publications}
\hyphenation{arti-ficial draw-back para-meters relati-onships rev-erse}
\thesistitle{MY TITLE}
\degreemajor{MY SUBJECT}
\authors{MY NAME}
\university{MY UNIVERSITY}
\department{MY DEPARTMENT}
Dedicated to my loving parents
\lhead{\emph{List of Figures}}
\lhead{\emph{List of Tables}}
\textbf{FN} & \textbf{F}alse \textbf{N}egative \\
\textbf{FP} & \textbf{F}alse \textbf{P}ositive \\
\textbf{GNW} & \textbf{G}ene\textbf{N}et\textbf{W}eaver \\
\textbf{GRN} & \textbf{G}ene \textbf{R}egulatory \textbf{N}etworks \\
\textbf{HS} & \textbf{H}alf-\textbf{S}ystem \\
\textbf{RNN} & \textbf{R}ecurrent Neural Network \\
\textbf{SS} & \textbf{S}-\textbf{S}ystem \\
\textbf{TN} & \textbf{T}rue \textbf{N}egative \\
\textbf{TP} & \textbf{T}rue \textbf{P}ositive
\lhead{\emph{List of Publications}}