Considering my previous question at this link One or more equations (two-by-two on different rows) with an enumerate to the left and the another on the right, I have a strange alignment behavior of two numbered equations on the same line. In other words there is an overhang between the (0.0-3) and (0.0-4) equations.
How can the problem be corrected?
Here there is the MWE and the relative output:
\usepackage[svgnames, dvipsnames, table, x11names]{xcolor}
\usepackage{lipsum} %%%%%%%%%%% <--------- added
% Change number equations with sections
\newtagform{bbrackets}% <name>
[\textbf]% Internal style
{(}% Left bracket
)}% Right bracket
f(x + y) = f(x) + f(y),
\end{equation} &
f(ax) = af(x),\,
x,y\in V, a\in\mathbb{C}
\overline{E}= -\overline \nabla \varphi-\frac{\partial \overline{A}}{\partial t}
\end{equation} &
\overline{B}=\overline \nabla \times\overline{A}
before the\begin{tabularx}
(see the 15pt warnings in the log) and you declare three columns but only use two.\noindent
. Into my structure there is no this problem. After I have@{}XXX@{}
used directly the code from Stefan Kottwitz's answer…vphantom
:\overline{B}=\overline \nabla \times\overline{A}\vphantom{-\frac{\partial \overline{A}}{\partial t}}
as he had three equations per line, so three columns in the table.