Ok, this is not trivial... I have found a solution thanks to @GuM, @David Carlisle, and looking at the code of amsthm.sty
- It is touching several internal macros. Can explode with upgrades;
- It needs
, no idea on how to adapt it for two-sided documents (solutions welcome);
- If you move the
thing with a different innerleftmargin
or leftmargin
the number lose it's alignement.
\usepackage{amsmath, amsthm}
%% Code by David Carlisle at https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/258575/38080
% redefine the amsthm theorem start macro to use \formatout
\deferred@thm@head{\the\thm@headfont \thm@indent
\thmheadnl % possibly a newline.
% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/303245/38080
Let's start with
so we go to:
$E$ is equal to $m$ $c$ squared
This leads to this
$E$ is equal to $m$ multiplied a BIG number
% innerleftmargin+leftmargin must be 0pt...
\begin{mdframed}[backgroundcolor=gray!20, innerleftmargin=0pt, linewidth=0pt]
And the references are Eq.~\ref{eq:mc2}, Th.~\ref{thE}, Ex.~\ref{exE}.
Which results in: