I would like to replicate the following equation enter image description here

Unfortuntanely, the following MWE does not seem to work because: (i) I cannot write the brace ({}) symbols in math mode and (ii) because I do not know how to break the equation and keep its aaesthetic.


How can I replicate the above equation?

  • 1
    Would it be terrible to make the braced component 4 lines long? If that's allowed, I'd realign at minus signs, shifting the last element from the first line, keeping the width the same as the original second line, and ending with the last element (the one with no numeric multiplier) on a line by itself. (I have no available tex installation at the moment, hence a comment, not an answer.) Commented Sep 11, 2019 at 13:24
  • This presentation looks anything but aesthetic to me, if not absolutely horrendous. To start with, it is not clear whether the term in braces is a column vector or a long line split. If you want to give an expression $E$ as a product $A \cdot B$ and single out $B$ by giving it a tag, it would be cleaner, more aesthetic and more clear if you wrote something like $$E = A \cdot B$$ for \begin{equation} B = ... \end{equation}. In turn, if the expression for B is too long, you can always split it "elegantly" with \begin{equation}\{aligned} B = ... \end{aligned}\end{equation}.
    – Albert
    Commented Jun 29 at 9:17

2 Answers 2


I squeezed the operator spacing slightly in the bracketed term

enter image description here

I think this does what you ask, although the layout seems a bit confusing to me, if I understand its meaning correctly it would be clearer not to use the large brackets and let the terms wrap over several lines at the outer level.

  • Thanks. The layout does look strange indeed Commented Sep 11, 2019 at 7:13
  • 1
    @FondeLapatrie oh also I noticed that I used \Biggl[ (based on the code you supplied, but the image you show uses \{ not [ but that would be trivial to change. Commented Sep 11, 2019 at 7:56

I propose this other solution, with the Bmatrix environment `mathtools and various small improvements:

 \usepackage{amsmath,mathtools, nccmath}



\begin{fleqn}\sisetup{exponent-product =\,}
 & PMV =0.303\,e^{-0.036M}+0.028 \times{}\\
 &\mathrlap{\begin{Bmatrix}(W-M)-\num{3.05 e-3}[5733-6.99(M-W)-p_{a}] \\
\mkern-5mu -0.42[(M-W)-58.15]-\num{1.7 e-5}M(5867-p_{a})-\num{1.4e-4} M(34-t_{a})\!\! \\
-\num{3.96 e-8}.f_{cl}[(t_{cl}+273)^{4}-(\overline{t_{r}}+273)⁴]-f_{cl}.h_{c}(t_{cl}-t_{a})


enter image description here

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