I am trying to draw a tree diagram with forest
package. In order to have the diagram fitting within the page margins, I moved down the subtree of NastranBulkData object, as you can see from the image. However, there is still quite a big white space left between NastranCaseControl object and NastranBulkData object that prevents the diagram from fitting into the page margins.
How can I remove such white space so that both NastranBulkData object and NastranSubcaseResult object are shifted left? Ideally they should be shifted in such a way that the space between Objects related to other Nastran case control entries and the line departing from NastranBulkData object is equal to the separation between children in the tree (but I do not care too much about this).
% Class
% Set paper geometry
% Forest package
% Document
for tree={ % style of tree nodes
draw, semithick, rounded corners,
align = center,
inner sep = 2mm,
% styles of tree
forked edge,
l sep = 6mm,
fork sep = 3mm,
[Solution\\sequence \#]
[\texttt{NastranSubcase}\\object array]
[Objects related to\\other \textsc{Nastran}\\case control entries]
[\texttt{Grid}\\object array, fork sep=3cm, l*=5, name=grid]
[Objects related to other \\\textsc{Nastran} bulk data cards, fork sep=3cm, l*=5]
[\texttt{NastranPart}\\object array, fork sep=3cm, l*=5
[\texttt{NastranPart}\\object 1]
[\texttt{NastranPart}\\object 2]
[\texttt{NastranSubcaseResult}\\object array]