Is there a let quantifier in LATEX? (It looks like \exists, but without a middle stick)

  • \usepackage{ amssymb }\sqsupset. Have a look at “How to look up a symbol?” for ideas how you can easily find a particular symbol.
    – BambOo
    Sep 23, 2019 at 19:48
  • I tried this symbol, but it's lower and longer than \exists
    Sep 23, 2019 at 19:51
  • 3
    I never heard of that mathematical notation, could you show an example so that we can see ?
    – BambOo
    Sep 23, 2019 at 19:55
  • 2
    I have not seen that notation and there is no Unicode character with "let" (with a mathematical meaning) in its name. Can you link to a pdf where this is used so we can see what font character it is? Sep 23, 2019 at 20:09

3 Answers 3


Here is a (humble) possibility using tikz. It won't resist scaling though

\tikz[baseline,line cap=round,line join=round] \draw (0,0) --++ (0.4em,0) --++ (0,1.5ex) --++ (-0.4em,0);%

enter image description here


I used that quantor during my stury in Saint-Petersburg State University, and I wonder, if that sign being used in other places. Searched for it several times, found an old FIDO mail with DIY-version:

             \hbox{\kern 0.125\wd0%
                   \vbox to \ht0{%
                      \hrule width 0.75\wd0%
                      \hrule width 0.75\wd0}%
                   \vrule height \ht0%
                   \kern 0.125\wd0}%

The closest symbol in Unicode is ⊐ (U+2290), the Square Original Of. Since this is a relational operator, you would want to change its spacing to


This works with numerous packages, including unicode-math, amssymb and latexsym.

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