I would like to set the math font as Garamond-Math (here) except that greek letters should come from a different font (for an illustration, computer modern in the example below.). But it seems declaring the new font does not work.

How to achieve this?

\usepackage[math-style=ISO, bold-style=ISO]{unicode-math}



2 Answers 2


unicode-math does many things \AtBeginDocument, you can delay your declarations:





mixing fonts


It doesn't work because unicode-math sets the font tables at begin document.

You should use the range feature instead:

\usepackage[math-style=ISO, bold-style=ISO]{unicode-math}





enter image description here

  • +1 Thank you for this answer. Where can I learn more about the range feature? (E.g., if I wanted to land other groups of symbols in one font or the other.)
    – Alexis
    Nov 9, 2020 at 20:54
  • 1
    @Alexis The source is the manual of unicode-math
    – egreg
    Nov 9, 2020 at 20:56

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