I'm writing a thesis with Texmaker and for my bibliography I work with Mendeley in combination with biber 2.12.
So far, I wrote my text and added a lot of sources with the command \cite{example2019}.
is one of the citation keys in Mendeley.
I have my .bib file from Mendeley and now I started to connect Mendeley with my tex-file with biber.
After running biber (Process exited normally), I get 4 errors form texmaker with the following text:
2 times: ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode character ′ (U+2032)
2 times: ! Package inputenc Error: Unicode character ′ (U+2212)
seems to be a minus. However, many of my 300+ sources have a minus.
How can I find the problems most time efficient?
PS: I use the package
and I tried to convert the .bib file into utf8 with TextEdit on OS X
or this:−
and you will see the same problem. You can solve the problem replacing this characters with\'{}
, or as commented, using xelated or lualatex (that most probably are already installed in your computer).