Like Alan Munn and cfr I also do not understand the problem. You could make the code you have a bit more versatile by using the auto enumeration that can be found in the forest manual on p. 52, and then all you need to do is to add some basic pgf functions. You may want to adjust the items "cat","mole","duck","marmot",...
to your needs.
\documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{report}
\bracketset{action character=@}
\def\btreelabel#1#2{node[midway,sloped,font=\scriptsize,/forest,if n=1{/tikz/below}{/tikz/above}]{$\pexp{#1}{p}\pexp{#2}{(1-p)}$}}%
\def\btree#1#2#3{,grow=east,l*=2,edge label=\btreelabel{#1}{#2},if={#3>0}{append=[@\btree{#1}{#2+1}{#3-1}],append=[@\btree{#1+1}{#2}{#3-1}]}{}}%
for tree={grow'=0},tempcounta=1,
before typesetting nodes={for descendants={content/.pgfmath={mitem(int(tempcounta))}, tempcounta+=1}}
ADDENDUM: Answer to version 2 of your question.
\documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{report}
for tree={grow'=east,l sep=4em,s sep=3em,circle,inner sep=2pt,fill}
[,label=right:{$()$},edge label={node[midway,sloped,above]{(12)}}]
[,label=right:{$(123)$},edge label={node[midway,sloped,below]{(13)}}]
\documentclass[12pt, a4paper]{report}
for tree={grow'=east,l sep=4em,s sep=3em,circle,inner sep=2pt,fill}
[,label=above:{$()$},edge label={node[midway,sloped,above]{$(12)$}}
[,label=right:$X$,edge label={node[midway,sloped,above]{$x$}}]
[,label=right:$Y$,edge label={node[midway,sloped,below]{$y$}}]
[,label=below:{$(123)$},edge label={node[midway,sloped,below]{(13)}}
[,label=right:$U$,edge label={node[midway,sloped,above]{$u$}}]
[,label=right:$V$,edge label={node[midway,sloped,below]{$v$}}]
exists, can you post a minimal document that shows what you've tried and what you're having problems with? Also, for people not in your particular discipline, your terms won't mean much, or the notation you're using in your question, even though we might know how to help you draw the tree. Furthermore, there are plenty of examples on the site, many withforest