I've found a nice \titlesec style for my chapter that I want to use for my thesis. Unfortunately the \chapter text doesn't align vertical with the \section text:

Not vertical aligned

(I've added the red line in paint to demonstrate the problem).

I know that it's very close and I could fiddle with the \hspace of the \chapter from the line \newcommand{\hsp}{\hspace{9pt} but i feel that it would never be 100% perfectly aligned. What would be an elegant way of doing it?

MWE look like this:


% Style for Chapterheadings
\usepackage{titlesec, blindtext, color}


\chapter{Beschreibung des Geschäftsprozesses}
\section{Übersicht über das Arbeitsumfeld des Geschäftsprozesses}


1 Answer 1


You can box the numbers to a certain width.


% Style for Chapterheadings
\usepackage{titlesec, blindtext, color}




\chapter{Beschreibung des Geschäftsprozesses}
\section{Übersicht über das Arbeitsumfeld des Geschäftsprozesses}


enter image description here

I added \filright to avoid hyphenation in titles.

  • Thats awesome, thank you very much for your incredible fast help.
    – Christian
    Commented Oct 12, 2019 at 16:06
  • @Christian Pronto prontissimo son come il fulmine: sono il factotum della città. (from my profile). ;-)
    – egreg
    Commented Oct 12, 2019 at 16:26

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