I'm getting this error when I use the \gls command:

Package glossaries Error: Glossary entry `DCD' has already been defined.

These are how I my package:

\usepackage{graphicx}% Include figure files
\usepackage{dcolumn}% Align table columns on decimal point
\usepackage{bm}% bold math


\newacronym{DCD}{DCD}{Double Crystal Diffractometer}

It seems to work but I continuosly get the error (the red one in Overleaf).

1 Answer 1


There are a few mistakes:

  1. you must use \makeglossaries before creating any glossary or acronym
  2. you should create a Minimum Working Example that is compilable so that we can understand your issu ;)
  3. probably (I'm not sure as you did not write an MWE) you printed a glossary and not the acronyms
  4. you load a file Acronyms.text and you create an acronym also in your preamble, which is a bit weird

Proposed code:


%\loadglsentries{Acronyms} % ERROR: loaded before \makeglossaries
%\loadglsentries[type=\acronymtype]{Acronyms} % OK if you have an Acronyms.tex file

\newacronym{DCD}{DCD}{Double Crystal Diffractometer}



%   \printglossary % NOT OK as you only defined acronyms

  • you where totally right! Loading twice and one even before the makeglossaries was the mistake.
    – jjvv
    Commented Oct 16, 2019 at 9:58

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