I'm trying to make an itemized list in beamer (using the beamerposter
package). By default, the text of first-level bullet points is left-aligned at the same point as non-list text, and the bullet actually comes before that. I want the bullet point to be aligned with or even further right from the non-itemized text, so I added a line to indent it (\setlength
Compare seasonality estimated by our method with that in:
\item ``Agricultural" grid cells ($p_a > 0.8$)
\item ``Non-agricultural" grid cells ($p_a < 0.2$)
\item 80\% threshold based on the land cover classification scheme for cropland discussed by \citep{Hansen:2000wm}.
Here is a picture of the result:
Unfortunately, this solves one problem and creates another. The third item has to have a line break, and the text on the second line is not left-aligned with the rest of the itemized list text. How do I make it align?