I don't know what is wrong in code.

O espalhamento elástico da luz é classificado em dois tipos, a depender do tamanho da partícula espalhadora:

        \item espalhamento Mie: 
            \subitem dimensões das partículas espalhadoras são da mesma ordem ou maiores que o comprimento de onda da
        \item espalhamento Rayleigh:
            \subitem dimensões das partículas espalhadoras são muito menores que o comprimento de onda da luz;

  • Welcome to TeX.SX! Try replacing \subitem by \item. Also, all \item commands must be in a list environment (such as itemize or enumerate). Changing your code to \begin{itemize} \item espalhamento Mie: \begin{itemize} \item dimensões ... \end{itemize} \end{itemize}. Commented Oct 31, 2019 at 15:35

2 Answers 2


thanks to @Eric Scöerg.

In the block environment, the heading of the argument block is mandatory(Forced).

% def in: beamerbaselocalstructure.sty

      \usebeamertemplate{block begin}}
      \usebeamertemplate{block end}%

Minimal code:





Your file:

\usepackage{ragged2e}% for \justifying



O espalhamento elástico da luz é classificado em dois tipos, a depender do tamanho da partícula espalhadora:

\item espalhamento Mie: 
\item dimensões das partículas espalhadoras são da mesma ordem ou maiores que o comprimento de onda da luz;

\item espalhamento Rayleigh:
\item dimensões das partículas espalhadoras são muito menores que o comprimento de onda da luz;




enter image description here

See LaTeX/List Structures And Beamer theme gallery.


this is a working solution:

The elastic scattering of light is classified into two types, depending on the size of the spreader particle:
            \item Mie scattering: 
                    \item dimensions of the spreader particles are of the same order or greater than the wavelength of light
                \item Rayleigh scattering:
                    \item The size of the spreader particles is much smaller than the wavelength of light

which produces:

enter image description here

Please be sure to post a compilable (or at least an aspiring compilable) solution, e.g. a minimal example. In this case it is quiet obvious you are using the \documentclass[pdf]{beamer}. For less obvious problems, it can be frustrating to not know what packages are used. I've no clue why the \begin{block} ... \end{block} does not work though.

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