Following-up this answer, for the following MWE, why does to[short, name=motor1, pos=0.25]
draw the motor midway and not place it at the end of the first 1/4 of the path ?
Additionally, is there an option of to[...]
to control the placement of the motor instead of doing it manually as I did twice below?
\draw (0,0) to[short, name=motor1, pos=0.25] ++(4,0);
\draw (motor1) node[elmech](M1){M};
\draw (0,-2) to[short, name=motor2] ++(4,0);
\draw ([xshift=-1cm]motor2) node[elmech](M2){M};
\draw (1,-4) node[elmech](motor3){M};
\draw (0,-4) to[short] (motor3.west);
\draw (motor3.east) to[short] (4,-4);
without considering its effect.elmech
is a node-type element, so you have to rotate it manually.Telmech
is a bipole-type. And no,pos
is not useful here; the name is assigned to the bipolesshort
which is always placed in the center of the subpath.