When using the algorithm2e package with the beamer class I get a different indentation for the line numberings than when using it with other classes.

With beamer class they look like this: enter image description here

            \caption{My algorithm}
            \While{something holds}{
                calculate something
            output something

But I would like to have them like this: enter image description here

            \caption{My algorithm}
            \While{something holds}{
                calculate something
            output something

Any idea would be appreciated. Thank you very much in advance.

Because the problem is so simple I was surprised that after nearly half an hour searching I could not find this question already asked somewhere else. I apologize if this is the case.

  • I think this will solve the problem:\IncMargin{1em} \begin{algorithm}
    – M.Ahmadi
    Commented Nov 5, 2019 at 16:57

1 Answer 1


Def in algorithm2e:

\IncMargin{length} increases the size of the \algomargin by the length given in argument.

\DecMargin{length} decreases the size of the \algomargin by the length given in argument.

\SetAlCapHSkip{length} sets the horizontal skip before Algorithm: in caption when used in ruled algorithm.

    text test!
            \caption{My algorithm}
            \While{something holds}{
                calculate something
            output something
    text test!


enter image description here

  • 3
    Although it looks a little bit like a hack to me (why 1.5em and .7em?) it solves my problem. Thank you very much. Commented Nov 6, 2019 at 14:37

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