I need to mark two different types of changes in a document, but I cannot use different colours. The only solution I found so far is to change the \changebarwidth
, but using a thin and a thick changebar, respectively, is not a 'beautiful' solution for my needs. Instead, I am looking for a solution to change the type of the changebar, e.g. using a "double-changebar" (two parallel changebars) or a dashed changebar or something like that.
I have tried to use nested changebars but I was not able to alternate the \changebarsep
for the second changebar only. Is there a feasible solution for getting different changebars?
Update: The solution should also work for changes that go over two (or more) pages.
Here is an example code:
This is some text.\\
Here is some text that has to be marked with the usual changebar.
This is some further text.\\
\setlength\changebarsep{15pt} %this seems not to have any effect at all
Here is some text that has to be marked with a different changebar.