I'm trying to add arrows between equations using TikZ
and I'm having some issues.
First, I can't figure out how to make the lines thicker and the arrowheads bigger.
Second, I can't figure out how to get lines coming out of two different nodes that merge to form an arrow pointing at a third node. Here is some code showing the basic layout, followed by an image showing where I'm at with the code at this point (I want the red lines all merged). Some of the images at this thread show what I want quite nicely, but I can't figure out how to apply that stuff to my situation.
\def\newblock{\hskip .11em plus .33em minus .07em}
\begin{block}{Block title goes here}
Some text here.
% \draw[style=help lines] (-1cm,0cm) grid[step=1cm] (5cm,5cm); % These don't work for some reason.
\node (e0) at (2, 0.0) {$p_{a,i} + p_{n,i} = 1$} ;
\node (e1) at (2, -0.5) {$E_i = p_{a,i}*\overline{F_a} + (1 - p_{a,i})*\overline{F_n}$} ;
\node (e2) at (2, -1.0) {$S = \sum^N_{i=1}(E_i - D_i)^2$} ;
\node (e3) at (1, -2.0) {$\frac{\partial S}{\partial \overline{F_n}} = 0$} ;
\node (e4) at (1, -4.0) {$\overline{F_a} = \frac{\overline{D}}{\overline{p_a}} + (1 - \frac{1}{\overline{p_a}})\overline{F_n}$} ;
\node (e5) at (6, -2.0) {$\frac{\partial S}{\partial \overline{F_a}} = 0$} ;
\node (e6) at (6, -5.0) {$\overline{F_n} = \overline{D} - \frac{covariance(p_a,D)}{variance(p_a)}\overline{p_a}$} ;
\node (n1) at (5, -4.0) {} ;
\draw[->] (e2) to (e3) ;
\draw[->] (e2) to (e5) ;
\draw[->] (e3) to (e4) ;
\draw[] (e4) to (n1) ;
\draw[] (e5) to (n1) ;
\draw[->] (n1) to (e6) ;
EDIT Apr. 11 at 7:10 pm EDT: Changed code to more clearly illustrate the problem, and to reflect changes made after reading this thread.
[remember picture,overlay]
and increase the[linewidth=X mm]
s, but how to draw the merged line, right? In that case, maybe you should reduce your example to one that doesn't use differenttikzpicture
s, since it distracts from your actual issue.\pgfsetlinewidth{5pt}
within thetikzpicture
in question helped with the line thickness and arrowhead size issues, thanks!\pgfsetlinewidth
, you can use the TikZ keyline width=<width>
in the options of your\draw
command (so\draw [line width=3pt] (e2) to [out=-90, in=180] (e6);
, for example).