i've used


Eine Definition ist die Bestimmung eines Begriffs}

and that shows me Definition 2.1 instead of Definition 2

What's the cause for that?

Tried to clear the pages before that didn't help

  • Why are you expecting that the number would be 2? By the way, the braces around the body of the definition should be removed.
    – egreg
    Commented Nov 12, 2019 at 22:06

2 Answers 2


That is the usual behavior. The first number reflects the section number, in this case. The second number counts the occurrence of a definition within a section.

This means that the first definition in the second section would be: Definition 2.1.

The third definition in section 4 would be: Definition 4.3.

What you want to get, if I understood you correctly, you get by

  • removing the square bracket in \newtheorem{definition}{Definition}[section]
  • and resetting the counter before each definition: \setcounter{definition}{0}

Your code would look like this for the definition in section 2:


\setcounter{definition}{1} % sets counter to one, next definition starts with 2

Eine Definition ist die Bestimmung eines Begriffs}

Note, however, that if you have more than two definitions in a section, you will get trouble with this numbering.


Just redefine the representation of the counter associated to the environment.





This is the definition in the first section


This is the definition in the second section


enter image description here

Omitting the definition in section 1, leads to

enter image description here

You should be aware of the fact that all definitions in section 2 will be “Definition 2”.

Also avoid bracing the environment's body: it's wrong and, in your case, leads to unwanted spaces.

If you want definitions numbered independently of sections:




This is the first definition

This is the second definition


enter image description here

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