I tried a Long time now to use publist BiblaTeX to produce a separate reference list and failed. Ultimately I used a code example (see further below) from the web (right in this forum) but it won't work either. The Errors reported were:

This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (MiKTeX 2.9.7200 64-bit)
The top-level auxiliary file: publist_test.aux
I found no \citation commands---while reading file publist_test.aux
I found no \bibdata command---while reading file publist_test.aux
I found no \bibstyle command---while reading file publist_test.aux
(There were 3 error messages)

Process exited with error(s)

The example code I used follows:




    author  = {Frank, Andrew U. and Timpf, Sabine},
    title   = {Multiple Representations for Cartographic Objects in a Multi-Scale Tree - An Intelligent Graphical Zoom},
    journal = {Computers and Graphics Special Issue on Modelling and Visualization of Spatial Data in GIS},
    year    = {1994},
    volume  = {18},
    number  = {6},
    pages   = {823--829},

    author  = {Buyong, Taher and Kuhn, Werner and Frank, Andrew U.},
    title   = {A Conceptual Model of Measurement-Based Multipurpose Cadastral Systems},
    journal = {Journal of the Urban and Regional Information Systems Association (URISA)},
    year    = {1991},
    volume  = {3},
    number  = {2},
    pages   = {35--49},


\title{XX publications}



1 Answer 1


When using the package biblatex, you have to decide on whether to use bibtex or biber as the external program for processing the *bib files and for sorting the entries. By default, biblatex uses biber, and also tells you so in the log file. Biber is nowadays considered the standard backend and bibtex only a 'legacy backend'. Some advanced biblatex features are only available with biber and the biblatex documentation works under the assumption that biber is used. Unless there are very good reasons to use BibTeX one should use biber with biblatex.

Using biblatex with bibtex

In the preamble, load biblatex with the option backend=bibtex:


Then run pdflatex main (assuming that your document is in the file main.tex).

Now you will find something like the following at the end of main.log:

Package biblatex Warning: Please (re)run BibTeX on the file(s):
(biblatex)                main1-blx
(biblatex)                and rerun LaTeX afterwards.

After running bibtex main1-blx, rerun pdflatex main one more time to get the bibliography, and a second time to get references to the bibliography right.

Using biblatex with biber

In the preamble, load biblatex without thebackend option:


Then run pdflatex main (assuming that your document is in the file main.tex).

Now you will find something like the following at the end of main.log:

Package biblatex Warning: Please (re)run Biber on the file:
(biblatex)                main
(biblatex)                and rerun LaTeX afterwards.

After running biber main, rerun pdflatex main one more time to get the bibliography, and a second time to get references to the bibliography right.

  • 1
    Just to add that while one can choose between Biber and BibTeX, Biber is nowadays considered the standard backend and BibTeX only a 'legacy backend'. Some advanced biblatex featrures are only available with Biber and the biblatex documentation works under the assumption that Biber is used. Unless there are very good reasons to use BibTeX one should use Biber with biblatex.
    – moewe
    Commented Nov 13, 2019 at 19:35
  • @moewe I shamelessly copied your comment into my answer. Thank you ...
    – gernot
    Commented Nov 14, 2019 at 8:26

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